Skycity Casino: A Gambler’s Favourite

Gamblers tend to have specific spots in the city that acts as a haven for all their gambling needs. If you apply that very logic and bring it over to New Zealand, then you have the Skycity Casino. Yes, that’s right. Auckland’s Sky City casino is extremely popular for all the right reasons. Their facilities and services are considered to be the best in town, and we are here to tell you why. So to be more specific, here’s a detailed view of Skycity casino.

1. Location

Auckland’s Skycity casino is located in the world’s tallest sky tower, and it is quite easy to spot it once you’re around the place. Due to the popularity of the casino, the spot turned out to be a prime location and you will find all types of gamblers at this place. Considering the size of the structure, one can also say it is one of the biggest in New Zealand. As a result, the very location and structure are mere aspects that have managed to attract a huge crowd.

2. Games

When it comes to casinos, the first thing that people would want to hear about are its games. So apart from the location, you must know that the place hits you different sides of gambling. With over 150 table games and 2100 gaming machines, it is quite safe to say that you might get lost in this place. The Baccarat room, on the other hand, offers a 24-hour gaming experience that also includes a swanky bar, a private smoking area and much more.

Skycity Casino

3. Hotels and Restaurants

Since the casino stands to offer a wholesome experience, it does not compromise on food. The place has different hotels and restaurants that are set to match the needs and requirements of all kinds of people. With top-notch chefs taking things under control, you are welcomed to various recipes and cuisines that are known all around the world. So by all means, visit the Skycity casino for a wild experience like never before.

4. Packages

Another essential feature of this casino is the packages that they offer. These packages tend to cater to all kinds of needs posed by players. Whether you’re a professional or an amateur, the casino has a specific package for you. For beginners, the casino also offers to teach you and help you through the game, you will be under the guidance of professionals, and they will make matters meet.


By now you will have a clear idea about the fabulous Skycity casino. As the experience is worthwhile, you need to make sure that you visit the place at least once in your lifetime. Hence, Skycity casino is indeed a gambler’s favourite.